Mission Blog 2015

Hope you enjoyed some of the photos I posted from the past few days.   Today, being Sunday, is a day off for us.   We worshipped this morning at the Cathedral in Kasulu.   We had a chance to greet the congregation and even shared a song with them.   It is one that we learned at St. Paul’s during the past year.   It’s called “Song to the Savior”.    We were able to translate the chorus into something the congregation here could join in with.   The original words are:

Sing a song to the Savior
Lift your voice and believe
Sing a song to the Savior
Sing a song to the King

We translated this into a simplified Swahili version:

Kuimba kwa mwokozi
Kuimba na kuamini
Kuimba kwa mwokozi
Kuimba kwa mfalme 

Afterward, we returned to the compound and shortly after that I when back down to KBC to go to Daudi NDahana’s home to pick up his car.  Yup, you guessed it.  I’m borrowing a friend’s car while we are here so we can get around without callingon the Diocese to supply drivers and vehicles for us.   And yes, they drive on the left side of the road, so there is a little bit of that to get used to.   Even so, I’m glad to have some independence.    We can definitly work more efficient this way because there are always delays when arranging rides to and from the Bible College.


Tonight I’m going to prepare a sermon that I’m to give at the 7 PM service at the Bible College on Thursday.  Then Cathy and I are going to watch a movie together (using a laptop computer) and rest to prepare for the work we will start tomorrow at KBC.


Blessings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus,


Canon Bill 

Today was a glorious day.  The weather was warm, but not too hot.  It’s Saturday, which meant we did not have to work too hard yet on our projects and most important, we are here!   Even so, I got to work today on some small item things.   

Installing Antenna for Compound WiFi

One of those items is the wireless network at the DWT compound.   Last year when I was here, I found that a wireless system that some folks from Australia had install previously was not working.   It turned out that the access point unit that they supplied had failed.   It was a special type of unit that attaches directly to an antenna that is mounted on a pole out side the DWT office.    Although I got that same access point unit for them, I found that is just did not have the signal strength I was looking for.    After doing some research I decided to use a different type of access point along with a 4 watt signal amplifier.  I configured it and tested it at home first.   It looked promising to me, so that’s what I brought.   Apparently the previous setup did not do that well in penetrating through the brick and stucco structures here at the compound.    So today I installed the new system we brought.   The good news is that it’s working much better than the previous system.   It is definitely doing a good job of getting through the think walled buildings and even reaches down to the new guest house and hostel.    They might need an internal repeater or two in the future, but this is definitely a good start.     In the afternoon we went down town to Kasulu Bible College and delivered the new equipment for there network.

For now we are just storing it there.   We plan to get to work installing it on Monday.   I did take a little bit of time to reconfigure one of there network access points, which was not working correctly for them, so that is now fixed.   Next will be to get the rest of the existing access points working correctly and their campus network should be back in action. 


Preliminary WiFi amplifier install

Tomorrow morning we will worship at the cathedral.   No doubt we will have a chance to speak to the congregation and sing a song or two.   It should be an awesome time with them.   I can’t wait.         


So lets look back at the last few days in pictures.   I hope you enjoy the sites and views our our trip so far.   




Arriving in Kigoma
Heading out in the boat
Cathy and I on the E-boat heading to Gombe
Entering Gombe National Park
Chimps at Gombe
Our new home away from home
The Bedroom
Windows Construction

