On my way to deliver the tablets

Wow.  It’s 10:20 PM here.  Where did the day go?  Actually it went along pretty well.  We started off with morning chapel at 7am which involves a bible study and prayer, including the Anglican cycle of prayer.  After a quick breakfast I got started working at the diocese office delivering the 20 android tablets.  I handed them off to Rev Emmanuel Bwatta, the Secretary of the Diocese for safe keeping until they are already to assign them to the various diocesan leaders.   Since they are having a 25 year celebration (jubilee!) in June, I expect that they will be very busy up until then with other work and preparations.   While I’m here we will probably do a test run of one of the tablets with a new cell data carrier called Halotel.   This provider has good pricing and exceptional Internet speed.   I’m using a Halotel SIMM card right now and I’m getting around 3.5 megabit up and down speed, which is excellent especially in this area of the country.  


Every year I come here the services for communications get better.   I’m pleased for them that there have been so many improvements over the 11 years that I’ve been traveling to Kasulu.   When I first came 2005, there was very little technology available.   I could barely get a cell call through and it was pretty expensive.   The only Internet game in town was to setup satellite VSAT access which was slow and over $6000 per year.   I had to get grants every year to keep them up and running at the Bible College. Now with so much cellular data network going up all over the country, Internet services are much faster and quite affordable.


After setting up a wireless network repeater they needed in the office and also helping Canon Mafumbi download a couple apps on his iPad, we took lunch and then headed down to the Bible College for the afternoon.   I began the setup of a new Mac Mini that we will use as a second server for the computer room / lab.   I’ll say more about that tomorrow when I get more time to complete the setup.   One thing I’d like to report is how many people were there using the computer systems.  Both rooms were full of students working on various assignments.  It was perhaps the most active time that I’ve observed since I’ve been involved in supporting their computer and networking needs.   I was happy to see that.   


For sure there is more to report about this day, but I need to get some rest now.  Tomorrow will be another full day, part of which is taking the time to prepare a bible study for Kidyama Church which we’ll be visiting on Friday afternoon.



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