So here we are, waiting for our first of two flights that bring us to Tanzania.   The first flight is to Dubai in the UAE.   I’m pretty excited about our trip.  We’ve got lots to do when we get to Kasulu.   This year we are bringing 20 full size Android tablet computers with us for the leadership in the diocese to use to communicate.  We also have a new Mac Mini that we’ll be setting up as a second server for the bible college.  We had a problem back in January when their only server crashed.  At that time I was able to configure new Mac Mini computer as a server and sent it over to Kasulu with Bishop Makaya who was fortunately in the USA at the time.   This new server will insure that we have backup.  They otherwise are completely down without it.


I know we will also be visiting churches in the area, which is always a pleasure for Cathy and I.   We will be able to share with them in songs of worship as well as give our witness to the Lord’s working in our lives.


It’s hard to believe that this is my 11th year of traveling to Tanzania.  It has become so familiar to me now and is definitely become a home away from home.   That is one of the other things about this trip.  We will be “setting up house” at the new guest house that the diocese has built.   Cathy has brought a lot of things to decorate and dress the house nicely.  We will also be buying furniture in Kasulu for the house to make it more comfortable and usable for us and other guests who visit the diocese.


So for now, l’m going to sit back and sip on a nice cup of coffee before we are called for our flight.  Be sure to visit the site that Cathy is writing in as well at


Keep us in your prayers.


Canon Bill

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