As I mentioned in my post on Friday,  this weekend was spent traveling in the Kigoma area visiting three churches for confirmation services.   The first was in the village of Uvinza which is east of Kigoma.   Their service was on Saturday afternoon.   Our time there was great.   Like all of the visits to other churches in the past, their hopitality is wonderful.   There is always one or even two meals that go along with the visit.   Then there is the worship time together.    There were three choirs each of whom offered up a worship song during the beginning of the service.   Then it was our turn.   We sang “Song to the Savior” with them.   I think it was well received based on the participation level.   It’s interesting here in the Anglican Church in Tanzania that the choirs are not used as much to lead songs as they are to “tell the story” in their songs and dancing as the congregation observes and listens.   In contrast the songs we do are meant for congregational participation.   


I’m going to stop here for now as we had two long days of travel and I’m almost falling asleep as I’m writing this post.   I will take some time in the morning to tell you more about our time at Kigoma and Ujiji churches in the morning so look for an update tomorrow.



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