Hi everyone.   Sorry for the outage if you tried to get to the site in the past 24 hours.   There was a power outage in New Milford, CT where our home and our web server resides.   You can read more about that in Cathy’s blog at http://trips.schrull.us  


Today we stayed at the compound while I worked on getting MS Office installed on Elisha’s new computer.   I purchased it for him, but let me tell you, it’s hard to install in Tanzania.   Microsoft is pushing their live Internet installation these days, which is fine when you live in the USA with plenty of bandwidth.   But out here in Kasulu, it takes a long time to install.   I’m hoping I’ll have him finished by the end of the day.


This morning I had the chance to “preach” at morning chapel, which was attended by the DWT staff and also the Diocesan Council, which is meeting this week at the compound.   I say preach, but really it was more of a short scripture sharing and a testimony based on the scripture.   I chose Proverbs 3:5-6 which says:


Trust in The Lord with all your heart,
Lean not on your own understanding,
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He will make straight your path. 


I then shared about my experience of the Lord’s guidance back in September of 2001 when I was preparing to go to a worship leaders conference in Mobile, AL.   This was during the infamous September 11th  AKA 911 week.  I’ll write out the story later for you.   What was apparent was that it touch a number of hearts in the room.   Cathy and I have spent years in the Faith Alive ministry which is all about sharing our story of faith and trust in The Lord with others.


Tomorrow we head out to a village called Shunga.  There will be a big celebration there because it was 100 years ago the German Missionaries brought the Gospel to this region.   There will be choirs and worship.  Cathy and I will sing at some point.  It’s going to be a big event from what I am told.   We even have printed polo shirts to where commemorating the occasion.   We will be sure to take pictures and report on the event tomorrow evening.   


The peace of The Lord be with you all.




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