As the title says, the days are going fast.   Today was no exception.   Though we did have a very relaxing morning at the compound.   That was good.   We are on vacation after all.  I felt the urge to work, but Internet speed was just slow enough to make logging into the company network unworkable.   Must be that I was meant to slow down a bit and just enjoy the surroundings.   So I did.  I walked about the compound and talked with folks here and there.   Cathy stayed in the room and read as she loves to do.   After lunch we hitched a ride down to the KBC with Andrea, our German missionary friend.   I worked a bit on some small clean up items.   I also found out from Elisha that one of the Nettop PC’s we installed last year had a problem at one point and needed to do a windows install fix-up.   It was working, but it lacked the proper drivers to connect to the network and get on the Internet.   So I grabbed the driver CD we left here last year and got that working again.  It was a simple fix.

I have to say again.  I really like it here.   I’m looking forward to a time when I can stay a bit longer and offer some technology courses to the students.   They are so eager to learn and we have so much we can share from the resources of knowledge and experience we have been bless to have.   I’m really grateful for the years I’ve had to work in I.T.   I have spent countless hours, often on my own, just exploring computer technology.   It is great to be able to pass it on to others.

Tomorrow, I’ll spend some more time with one of the teachers Reginald, showing him how the network and computers work.  Elisha, who has been our on-site “tech” for the past two years is heading home to Burundi next week.   We will miss him very much.   He kept things running well.   So we are trying to spend time with Reginald to take over Elisha’s role as the tech and overseer of the KBC computer systems.   He seems to pick things up quickly and his english language skills are quite good, so I think they will be in good shape.   One of the things I’ll do with him is setup Skype on the admin computer.   That way we will be able to talk or at least text chat over the Internet if any problems arise.  

That’s it for today.  We head off to dinner soon at Canon Daniel Nyugwa’s home.   It’s always a pleasure to spend time with Daniel.   




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