Wow, the time is going fast. Too fast really. I enjoy being here in Kasulu very much. I know it’s going to be hard to leave on Friday. So let’s not focus on that Bill.
Since I did not post anything yesterday, let me bring things up-to-date. Monday was the first day we had a ample amount of heavy rain. Yup! The raining season is finally upons us here in Kasulu. The season will last for many months (October – May). That’s not to say that they get rain everyday or even with some breaks for several days. But, it is the time when crops get planted, things grow and this part of East Africa gets greener. It also helps to tamp down the dust. Dust is everywhere in this and other parts of the country.
And it gets into everything, most especially computer equipment. That’s one of the reasons I like the thin client networking model for this part of the world. Thin client are small, free of cooling fans and are pretty much all solid state in design. That means they attract and collect a much less dust than the average computer. Just need to blow them out everyone once in a while to keep them running for many years. Not so with keyboards and mice. They really take a beating. I noticed that several of the keyboards in the computer room have keys that are sticking and are difficult to type on. We did bring 10 new keyboards and mice with us, so those replacements should help a bit.
Back to Monday…. I spend a good part of the day at LTC working with the computer systems. Cathy used her time catching up on blogging (@ and Bob worked on his prep for Tuesday morning chapel and hung out with me, looking over what I was doing on the computer systems. Lunch was at the LTC Canteen, which is run by the college as you might guess by the name. It’s a small enterprise that they got into to serve the community and also to generate some funds for the college as well. In fact, that is also what they are up to with the computer lab at LTC. They run many classes through out the year on applications like Microsoft Word, Excel as well as others. Right now they are in the process of getting certified for vocational training in computer applications by the Tanzania Government because of this. What’s really rewarding about it all is that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them take this gift from Encourage, Inc (a charitable Christian trust that gave the intial grants to start it all) along with St. Paul’s and other sources and really put it to good use. My understanding is that the Tanzanian Government approached LTC about becoming certified because they have a good facility with good equipment and a great reputation around the Kasulu area. Honestly, I could not be more pleased for them.
On to Tuesday… Today was similar for me. Just working at the college. This morning at chapel, Bob shared a scripture and gave his testimony, which seems to touch the hearts of those listening. Bishop Makaya in particular commented on his appreciation of what Bob shared and gave thanks to the Lord for his strong witness. Later today, we had time to get together with KCC, which is the Kasulu Cathedral Choir. We shared some songs back and forth and then had dinner together with some of the leaders from the choir.
Now it just about time to hit the sack. Tomorrow morning we get together with Bishop Makaya and head off to a new church that recently started over near Musagara for confirmations. I’m sure we’ll be asked to share a song or two and perhaps a testimony or two as well. Should be a great day. I always enjoy going off to events like this with the Bishop. I know that Bob will enjoy it very much. I’ve not said a lot about his experiences here in my blog, but I can tell you that he is having a fantastic time in Kasulu.
That’s all for now.
Yours in Christ,
Canon Bill