Dual Mac Mini server setup

For me the day was spent working at LTC,  trying some various network configurations in the hopes to simplify their setup.   I also configure the second Windows server with MS Office 2007, which is the version of Office they need for training purposes.   I was able to configure the two server connections on the thin client computers so they can choose which server to log into at boot time.  The only thing left to do at LTC is to document the changes so we have a network map to work with.   We need that because they expect to get a new Internet router/modem from Halotel soon which will require that we make some changes to the networking addresses on there systems.    This should not be a problem to do, even if I have to help them remotely, since the modem won’t be available while I am here.  


Today I also helped my friend Festus with the setup of an iPad.   He plans to use it with an application that works with his Prosonus rack mount mixer so he can remotely control it via a wireless network.   It’s similar to what we do at home a St. Paul’s Church with our Presonus mixing console.  The setup of the iPad went pretty well after answering about 20 questions that Apple asks during the initial iPad setup.  

Thin Client Workstations

It’s something you don’t notice so much at home in the USA, but when you are dealing with slower bandwidth, typing in your iTunes ID and password over and over again gets a bit old.   Never the less, we got him configure with his Apple ID and downloaded the Presonus application.   I’m looking forward to hearing how he made out this evening with the setup.


Today was also our most “independent” day as far as food goes.   We handled our own breakfast and lunch, and since we were not scheduled to have dinner at someone’s  home tonight, we went out to dinner at the Kasulu Motel.   It was very good food and it was also nice for Cathy and I to spend the night out together by ourselves.


Kasulu has change so much in the 11 years I’ve been coming here.   During my first few trips, there was nothing as far as electric power, except that which was generated by diesel during the hours of 7 pm to 11 pm.  Cell service was spotty at best, and there was NO internet accept that which we installed at the bible college via Satellite.    Now there are multiple choices for Internet which you can have with you via mobile technology and electric power is available all over Kasulu.  It’s really made communications much better.


Car from the Diocese we are using

Again I thank you for your prayers of support.  Keep them coming.  We are truly blessed by them and the many friends back home who offer than on our behalf.   


Until tomorrow, Kwa heri!




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