Saturday was more of a laid back day for us, though I did spend some time at LTC working on the computers and getting things ready to fully integrate the new server into usage.   That will happen tomorrow on Monday.   


As seen in the picture here we did go to the Kasulu market to get some mushrooms, onions and advocados for our food supplies.   The advocados here are really big, about the size of a grapefruit but with the egg like shape.   We’ll be using them for lunches or breakfast I think.    


The market is a mass of people who come to this large open area to sell produce of various types.   Navigating it is interesting as there is not a lot of space between vendors.  In the picture, you do see some open spots, but that is because we got to the market later in the day.   In the morning, I understand that it is only inches between each sellers spot and it standing room only for the rest of us.


View of Kasulu along the road to Manyovu

Today we went to worship at St Andrew’s Cathedral which is in the center of Kasulu.  The service was about the typical length of 3 hours.  Cathy and I were asked to sing and lead a worship song twice during the service.    We did the one I wrote about earlier that we’ve been preparing “Oh Our Lord”, aka “Oh Bwana wetu”.    


Afterwards we went back to the house and rested for a while after some lunch.   It was such a beautiful day today.   It felt so good to take a short nap in this clean dry air in Kasulu.   We then went out to do something very American.    We took a Sunday drive along the road to Manyovu.   We did not go too far, but it was just nice to see the countryside and soak in the gorgeous weather.



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