The past two days have very much been routine for me, at least as far as working on the computer systems at KBC are concerned.   We got the color printer setup and did some more clean up of the main server system and client profile logins.    We also reinstalled Windows on one of the PC’s that had been failing to boot up for a while now.   With that computer back in business and all of the other thin clients and PC’s there of 21 stations now that available on the KBC Network which includes the new thin clients we setup for the students specifically.     They have quite a setup now, which should help them with the both the public and the student demand for computer access time.   I’m really proud of the way they have taken hold of this important asset for the Bible College.   Everything is being used.   Nothing is going to waste.


Tomorrow I’m hoping to finish up our work at KBC, which will give them a few days to work with the systems so we can fix any glitches that might appear before we leave for home later next week.    I’m happy about that, since in the past I’ve had to work up to that last minute on the installations.   Occationally, something would not work right just after I left for home.   That made for a difficult long distance tech support situation.   This year, I will have some time to document the system configuations and do some  “trouble shooting” training with Reginald and Matthew.    



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