So we made it.   We are now in Kasulu.   It’s been a wonderful couple of days along Lake Tanganyika, but I’m really glad to have arrived at our other home.   Kasulu is like that for us.   It’s feels like home.   There are so many people we know in the community.  

The day started out nicely with breakfast at the hotel and a brief wait on the gazebo for our driver Christopher to come and take us to Kasulu.   The drive takes a couple of hours and a good portion of the drive is over dirt roads, so it’s a bit bumpy, but we are used to it.   As we arrived the staff of DWT were all waiting in the compound entrance singing and waving flowers and branches.   It’s a typical greeting we have come to enjoy during our travels about in Tanzania.   Because of our ongoing relationship with the diocese staff members it’s always extra special for us.

This year we are staying in the German Missionary house, but we think of it as Andrea’s house.   Andrea is the full time German missionary who we have written about in our blog’s from previous years.   Andrea is gone for a week, but she should be back while we are still hear.   It will be great to see her.   I admire her for the work she does here and look forward seeing her again soon.

Tomorrow I will do a little bit of work at the DWT office, installing some new wireless network equipment and then I think we’ll spend some time at Kasulu Bible College.    That will be good because I have a lot of photo’s and video’s I’d like to post for you to see, but up in the compound, the cell signal is only good enough upload text and a photo or two.

Thanks again to all who have been praying for us during our journey.   It means so much to us to have that coverage.

Blessings and good night to you all.


Canon Bill 


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