Dar Es Salaam

You’ll never guess what happened before we left Dar Es Salaam today.  It was an answer to our prayers.  Alnoor, a good friend of ours in Dar, who used to be our main computer equipment supplier in Dar closed his business.   We did not know that, so we had been trying to get in touch with him for several months.  But when his E-mail, his cell phone and his store phone number did not work, we knew something was up, and we were a little worried for him.   When we arrived in Dar two weeks ago, I went to his previous store location and confirmed that it was closed.   I inquired with others around that location, but no one knew what happened.    On our way back to Dar yesterday, I kept thinking about him wondering if things were OK with him and his family and just offered a prayer for them. 

So today, after we checked into the airport and went to the Tanzanite Lounge to wait for our flight, a short while later, I heard my name and looked over to see Alnoor standing right across from us! I was so surprised to see him. It turns out that he and his entire family were traveling to Dubai on the same flight as us. They are doing fine, the kids have grown up a lot, and he explained that he closed the business because it was just too hard to run with margins on selling equipment to middle market and small companies being so low. He is in transition now as far as business in concerned, but most important, they are all doing just fine. How about that? What a blessing it was to find them there. I got his new E-mail address so we can keep in touch.   That was awesome.  Thanks Lord!


Here we are again at Dubai International Airport.  It’s just barely June 4th (12:30 AM) so you all are getting ready to leave work or something like that.   We’ll be leaving at 2:50 AM for the long flight home.  Definitely going to have some jet lag after this one.  I can get cat naps in, but I rarely sleep very long on an airplane.   At this point, I’m looking forward to getting back to our home and getting a good rest in our own bed.   Sleep is very under rated.

We’ll post some more when we get home to close out our trip and add some other pictures to remember our experience by.  Thanks to everyone who have been keeping up with us during trip.  We’ll have lots to share with you when we get back.


Canon Bill 


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