I hope you had a chance to view the video of KBC I posted a little earlier today.   It’s in the previous post.


DSC00681Today was the final day for me to work on the KBC computers.   It was also the final day for Rev. Shaw to meet with students to go over the on-line program he has in development.   It will be interesting in the days and months ahead how it shapes up to meet the needs of the students and faculty here at KBC.   Keep praying for Shaw and that process as it has potential to be a great asset for them.


For me, it has been a perfect week.  Everything went along so smoothly that I had extra time to do a number value added things to the computers and the network.    I also had time to do some enhancements at the diocese office, one of which was to straighten out a problem they had with their wireless network.    Once that was done, I was able to get the Bishop’s computer on the network again and get all of the computers communicating with the office printer.   They are quite pleased to have those things fixed now.


So with the major work done, we are going to take a trip to my favorite place in Tanzania.   We are going to Matyazo tomorrow morning.   Matyazo is up in the hills about half way between Kasulu and the Burundi border.   It’s about and 1 hour and 30 minute drive.    It is coffee growing country, and you know how much I LOVE coffee.   But the real reason I like it is because Matyazo speaks to me.    I love the air there and the feel of the country side.   I admire the work that the German missionaries are doing there with the hospital and orphanage.   And the drive there is beautiful.    I’ll definitely be taking pictures along the way and post them tomorrow night.   Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us as well.   It’s been raining here quite a bit, although most of the rain has been at night and has slowly cleared out by the morning.   I’m hoping it will be the same tomorrow for our trip as it is raining pretty steadily now at 9:30 PM.


It’s time for some tea now and then a good nights rest.   Blessings to you all. 



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