IMGP4644Excellent Day today.   I got to KBC at about 8:15 and spent the entire day working on the computer systems.     I’m probably about 80% done with the work I need to do at KBC, which is awesome for it being only the second day of work at the site.   Tomorrow, we’ll work on the wireless extension of the network; setting up the new PC in the staff room; configuring the copier/printer on the new server and then going live with the server on the thin client computers.     Once that is done, the only thing left is to reconfigure (AKA clean up) the old server so we have it as a backup unit.   If that all get’s done tomorrow, I’ll then have time to look into some of the computing needs up at the diocese office.    That would be great because I had not figured on doing that until later in the week.


IMG_1328The Computer Room is looking great by the way.    They completely resurfaced the floor with tile and painted the room and cleaned up around the windows and put up new drapes.   The environment looks pretty professional for a small educational institution out in this rural region.   I’m so glad that we can add to that with the new equipment.   I’m particularly grateful to my home church, St. Paul’s in Brookfield, CT for the funds they have provided for us to do this project.    I can’t say enough about how I appreciate their encouragement and support.


I’ll see if I can write more tomorrow if I get finished early.   I’d love to talk about what it means to me to be here.   I love this place and the people.   I always feel energized in my walk with the Lord when I’m with this community of believers. 


By the way, check out what Cathy has been writing at


Until tomorrow.




P.S.  if you click on the pictures, it will load up a larger copy so you see the details.   I did not know if you all knew that.

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