5:17 PM

IMG_1292Today we had a much more relaxing time than expected.    We had a list of things to do that normally would have taken us all over town to complete.   But as it turns out, two of the main things we had to do were all but taken care of for us.   First was getting our phone SIMM chips setup.   Were carrying three “unlocked” phones with us so that we can get SIMM chips to have local phone numbers to use while we are here.   In the past we had to go across town to a Airtel office to get the chips and register the phone numbers.    This time however, we found out from Karen, the head of hotel guest services that they could take care of that for us.   So we did not have make the trip on a hot, steamy day to the phone store.     Second was the equipment we are picking up from our computer equipment vendor.    Instead, since he was working outside of town today, he is just going to bring the equipment over to us at the hotel.     DSC00658So all we had to do is go to the travel agency to get our flights confirmed and then stop by some stores and pick up sundry supplies including books that Shaw wanted to pick up while we were in town.   We also stopped by St. Alban’s Cathedral so we could find out where to get an Anglican Prayer Book in Kiswahili.   Shaw wanted to get one of those today as well.


Right now we are hanging out in our rooms at the hotel and writing this post and enjoying a cooler spot to be.   It was hot out there today!     I’m glad we are able to save our energy because we have a very early morning tomorrow where we head to the airport to catch our flight to Kigoma.   


IMG_1298One cool thing going on right now as I am writing to you is the choir practice that is going on next door in the parking lot outside the Lutheran Church.    It’s great to hear the singing in the background of the otherwise ubiquitous city noises.   I think that is one thing I have always loved about Tanzania.   It seems to be amongst many things a singing society.   People really enjoy and engage in music here; especially singing.DSC00661 —————-

Come back later.  I’ll be adding more to today’s post.


10:25 PM —


Yeah!   Our computer equipment arrived.   I came late, but it came.   So now we have our new server, keyboards, mice, monitors along with an assortment of computer and equipment I brought with me.   Now the only real challenge yet is getting it on the flight to Kigoma with no issues.    It will cost a bit I’m sure, but hopefully it will all go in one passage.   


IMG_1301We really appreciate the prays many of you have offered on our behalf.   There is a mounting excitement about all this for sure.   And even though I’ve done this so many times before, I never cease to give the Lord praise for watching over us and clearing the pathways before us.   It’s time for us to sleep now as we have a 4 AM wake up to get ready.


The Lord’s peace be with you all.    Until the next post.   Lala Salama

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