IMG_1280We made it to Dar safe and sound today.   We were glad that the late afternoon traffic was not backed up as usual.   It was great to get on the ground for w while after two long flights.   Customs was a breeze through, praise God!    Once we got the the hotel and went to a local Bank ATM to get some cash (Tanzanian Shillings), we had some refreshments at the hotel and then went up to the 9th floor restaurant for a quiet dinner over looking the harbor.IMG_1285

Tomorrow we’ll get going on procuring the new server computer and other equipment we need for the upgrade at KBC.   

These things aside, I’m really glad to get back in Tanzania.   It has become so familiar to me.   When ever I arrive here, I does not take long for me to realize how much I have missed it. 

I ask your prayers for this last part of getting the equipment to Kasulu.   We’ll be bringing a pretty good size load with us to the Airport on Thursday for the flight out to Kigoma.    I’m hoping that we don’t have problems of “overweighting” and having ship equipment out on later flights.

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